Underground storage tanks have leaked gasoline and other petroleum products into the environment in virtually every community in the United States.
Underground storage tanks have leaked gasoline and other petroleum products into the environment in virtually every community in the United States.
From 1988 until March 2002, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has recorded 422,573 confirmed petroleum releases; 387,190 cleanups initiated; and 277,171 cleanups completed. In its 2003 annual report, the EPA states that there are 683,000 active underground storage tanks, with a cleanup backlog of 136,000 releases. The EPA cataloged 12,000 new releases in 2003 alone. These petroleum releases can render drinking water supplies unsafe, create fire and explosion hazards, produce long-term negative health effects and greatly diminish the value of both residential and commercial property. Even if the petroleum contamination is only in the groundwater below the surface, the contamination may still pose a significant health concern and may have significant impacts on the value of your property and your ability to resale your property or utilize it as collateral. If you, your property or your drinking water source has been impacted by a petroleum release from a leaking underground storage tank, you should immediately contact your state envinronmental agency. In addition, you should contact Carney Bates & Pulliam for a free consultation.
Hank Bates, Attorney